My Questions

Q: where you are the center of gravity?

Asked by markpsa on 2021-02-13 09:02:08

fauster The center of gravity should be approx. 26 inches from the head ofairplane or 66.04 cm

2021-02-18 10:13:30 Helpful (1)
Answers (1)

Q: compatibility A7105?

Asked by markpsa on 2021-01-04 02:14:45

KlamatuFPV Hello, I don't know what A7105 is. But this radio has the same software as Jumper T18 and Radiomaster TX16s and that is a lot. Even my recievers 8 years old work (ADHFS). Fantastic radio this is.

2021-01-04 04:04:38 Helpful (1)
Answers (2)