Eachine X73 Micro FPV Racing Quadrocopter BNF Based Naze32 Flight Controller mit Frsky X9D Empfänger

Jordan Jeffery Bass Vor 2685 Tagen geschrieben mine came broken in the Box wire wasn\'t even started then I tried to bind it and it will not bind in d8 mode no matter what I do what a POS and a waste of money


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    • Von 02/10/2016 This micro quad uses a Superior Hobby SRP8 FRSky Rx that browns out VERY frequently due to insufficient voltage. The SRP8 has a minimum operating voltage of 5V but this quad runs off a 1S LIPO. Additionally, I noticed that the middle voltage pin powering the Rx board had only about 3.5 volts on it, even when the LIPO was fully charged. So I unsoldered the center V+ Rx pin to break it's connection to the flight controller and then ran a wire from it directly to the LIPO red wire power. Now it works
    • Von 08/11/2016 Do not buy this. It breaks to easy. Get the fatbee instead.
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