Eachine X73 Micro FPV Racing Quadrocopter BNF Based Naze32 Flight Controller mit Frsky X9D Empfänger

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    • Von 02/10/2016 This micro quad uses a Superior Hobby SRP8 FRSky Rx that browns out VERY frequently due to insufficient voltage. The SRP8 has a minimum operating voltage of 5V but this quad runs off a 1S LIPO. Additionally, I noticed that the middle voltage pin powering the Rx board had only about 3.5 volts on it, even when the LIPO was fully charged. So I unsoldered the center V+ Rx pin to break it's connection to the flight controller and then ran a wire from it directly to the LIPO red wire power. Now it works
    • Von 08/11/2016 Do not buy this. It breaks to easy. Get the fatbee instead.
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