यहां भेजें United Kingdom , USD
Banggood पर %s के लिए शीर्ष सकारात्मक समीक्षा, Banggood पर सबसे कम कीमत के साथ सर्वश्रेष्ठ %s की खरीदारी करें। खरीदने से पहले %s के लिए सबसे उपयोगी सकारात्मक समीक्षा ब्राउज़ करें।, आर सी खिलौने, मजेदार खेल, फैशन, लोकप्रिय इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स
tallescg 08/04/2021
Positive points: Very good for the price it costs! Good construction, light, does not overheat during operation, and reaches working temperature in seconds, making our work much faster. The tips are good and easy to change, the temperature, calibration, standby and sleep settings help to prolong the life of the iron tips and save energy. Negative points: It is possible to save 3 programmed temperatures, but access to changing temperatures should be easier. Unfortunately we do not have a power cable and manual, although easy to use and have explanatory videos on the net, it has some functions that have been forgotten. Conclusion: A very suitable tool for professionals looking for a VERY GOOD product at an affordable price and who don't mind looking for operating instructions on the internet. I recommend!!!!
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संतुष्टि परिक्षण

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