5 V USB Pied De Fibre De Carbone Portable Genou Élément Chauffant Film Chauffe Pieds Électriques Réchauffeur

jarda1970 Écrit il y a 2671 jours.

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    • Par Djbeloved 05/01/2017 I was really shocked when these pads came and I opened them and they weren't small. they are nice and they put some heat off to. I can see me using these with bandage for a heating pack when my knees back and shoulders hurt. the heat up nice and I can carry them around with the portable battery pack I have. great item to have . not to mention they keep my feet warm in a cold office.
    • Par ufo26 12/01/2017 These work good, goes up to ca.38°C.But some information, I tested mine and each draw 1.3 amps so that makes 2.6 amps in total. So make sure you can supply the current!
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