Dây Silicone SR 1M 8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26 AWG

adelahb Đã viết3042 ngày trước. Es un producto que recomiendo para proyectos de radiocontrol.
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    Nhận xét liên quan

    • Bởi RCdroidFPV 14/01/2018 Good quality silicone wire. Very flexible and nearly no melting when you solder these cables. Check that you choose the correct AWG size. For VTx, Receiver, Buzzer, LED etc you should use AWG 28 or 30. For powering XT60 etc you have to use AWG 12 or 14. If you need some other colors of these cable use this offer >>> https://bit.ly/SiliCol3 And take care that you use a good cutting plier like this from Daniu >>> https://bit.ly/CutPlier
    • Bởi nelsonlee 29/05/2014 Very good quality and much cheaper then other online seller with free shipping. always good deal with banggood.
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