10W 900LM सफेद/गर्म सफेद उच्च चमकीला एलईडी लाइट लैंप चिप डीसी 9-12V

Yassin West 2458 दिन पहले लिखा था।

जमा करें

फोटो के साथ ग्राहक समीक्षा

    संबंधित समीक्षा

    • द्वारा foksa 11/01/2018 I was skeptical at first considering how cheap this light are, but they are great. Light is really bright. They do generate a decent amount of heat when running at full power but that is normal for this kind of LEDs. To use them to their full potential you will need a current limiting driver ( http://bit.ly/2vV29RT ) and a decent heatsink: http://bit.ly/2vUJPs7
    • द्वारा foksa 25/12/2017 I was skeptical at first considering how cheap this light are, but they are excellent. Light is really bright. They do generate a decent amount of heat when running at full power but that is normal for this kind of LEDs. To use them to their full potential you will need a current limiting driver ( http://bit.ly/2vV29RT ) and a decent heatsink: http://bit.ly/2vUJPs7
    सभी समीक्षा >>

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