Avion de guerre Warbird VolantexRC 768-1 Mustang P-51D Envergure de 750 mm en EPO PNP

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    • Par GroundControlRC 04/05/2020 This is a beautiful looking P51D. It's an excellent flying P51D at a good price. It has plenty of power for aerobatics with the 2S Power System ;-) I'll be posting a 4 part review of this Plane on our Youtube Channel starting tomorrow, May 5, 2020. I'll cover Flights, Tips, Adjustments, MODs, Tutorials, and Repairs. See you in the Air! Ground Control RC
    • Par Michael 23/01/2020 A really good value for the price point. That being said, My copy came with some quality issues. The lower part of the tail has a small split. Looks like it may have happened when the tail wheel was installed at the factory. Also the underside of the wing assembly experiencing an impact. Not sure if they’re production or packing issues. Have informed customer service. If you want all the features of the RTF your going to have to find a receiver/stabilization module that works with your radio.
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