720P 광각 HD 카메라 하이 홀드 모드 접이식 암 RC 드론 쿼드코프터 RTF가있는 VISUO XS809HW WIFI FPV

Trcjf 2331 일 전에 썼습니다.


사진을 이용한 고객님 후기

    관련 후기

    • 타고 sirius 05/06/2017 The quad looks good and is well put together. It is not really fast but has decent pitch and yaw, and is very stable. It has good LEDs. It can handle a bit of a breeze outdoors. The transmitter controls seem fairly precise. Altitude hold works well. The battery is proprietary and fits nicely into the battery bay. You can leave the battery installed and it will not be drained by being connected. It has an on/off switch. And as usual, Bangood's delivery service was very good.
    • 타고 Renanspy 30/06/2017 Boa noite Este drone demorou exatos 19 dias para chegar em Cuiabá , mato grosso. Ótimo drone!!!!!!
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