Spotlicht Infrarot 4x IR LED Board für CCTV Kameras Nachtsicht

louisvr45 Vor 2137 Tagen geschrieben


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    • Von 3R45U5 18/09/2017 Bought these to strap onto my quadcopter for night flying. Very cheap and incredibly bright. When plugged in, to the naked eye the LEDs look like Terminator eyes, glowing in a faint, evil red. When using an IR sensitive cam, the entire field I fly lights up like its under a floodlight, easily surpassing 50meters of range. The electric board needed additional holes, as the pre drilled holes do not fit on a standard 30.5x30.5 stack that is used in todays quadcopters. The board is needed, even when
    • Von louisvr45 28/07/2018 this ir leds is so powerfull you can do quad copter racing up to 20 to 30 m high. especially if the gates got reflected tape on.
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