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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
nlhier 21/12/2021
i think this thing really is amazing for indoor flown it a LOT and had so much fun. although i wish flighttimes could be longer. i have heared Emuflight Configurator makes that posible wich i have not tried. the stock tune is all you need if you are not going to do anything crazy. Out of the box you get 4× 300 mah 1s battery's, a set of new propellers, a tiny screw driver, some spare screws, a prop tool and a 1s usb charger. i think the charger is okay but you will need the good powerbrick to make sure you keep your battery's in good condition. (2A maximum best1.5A minimum1A) It is always labled on the side of the charger or on the bottom. somtimes very small but just about readable. (grey text) Now for the only cons i really have is that it has a short battery life. (stock tunes/settings) the prop tool does not help remove props it just bends. the camera angle is set out of the box to almost the highest camera angle there is. out of the box the props rub a bit against the frame. now for the pros: It fly's good. it has good signal strengt. The frame is strong enough to take any crash. You can fly it almost out of the box. It comes with spare parts and tools to make a small fix. It comes with a manual for basic setup. Comes with a case. If you seek for a fast tiny whoop i would reccomend this one.
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