원래의 JYETech DSO-SHELL DSO150 15001K DIY 디지털 오실로스코프 미조립 키트와 하우징

James 2395 일 전에 썼습니다.


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    관련 후기

    • 타고 norwenkel 09/11/2016 Just received the DSO 150 with pre solder SMD parts. About 2 hours are needed to solder the needed parts. After doing the voltage function tests and calibration of the probe the two boards are mounted into the cover. Adding an external 9V power supply and ready to go. By the way, test voltage V4 shows up 1.5 V instead of the mentioned 1.61 V. Hope that´s ok! Just a short hint: Do not use a normal 9V battery. It will last just for a short time and you can be not sure if the DSO 150 display correct
    • 타고 reru48 17/10/2017 I have added an USB-UART (serial) converter and have flashed an extended firmware from toshi, see http://www.jyetech.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1206#p4062 I have described the modification to export the waveform data and plot it in program GNUplot under Ubuntu, Mac OS and Windows, see: http://www.rudiswiki.de/wiki9/JyeTechDSO150
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