1X 3X 5X 10X LUSTREON खाद्यान, रसोई, आरामदायक, अचंबित, गोदाम, दराज़, दराज़, LED दूसरा संबंध बनाता है

Chi_Lam 2294 दिन पहले लिखा था।

जमा करें

फोटो के साथ ग्राहक समीक्षा

    संबंधित समीक्षा

    • द्वारा ozztall 12/12/2020 Very professional, works great, easy to use, as described, fast delivery, easy installation, strong light, very good quality, good value for money
    • द्वारा 08/01/2018 I'm surprised with how useful these lights are. I have mounted them on three different makes of Euro-style hinges without problems. A single light is sufficient for a small cupboard and two-three of them will light up a larger wardrobe enough to be useful. If I could have chosen, I would have preferred to have a slightly larger light that could take a standard AAA-battery.
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