Mijn vragen

Q: The us model works with 433 Mhz controls and wifi, both of them?

gevraagd door oscarhayt op 2019-07-14 08:06:41

theovlassis You can go to the "Sonoff" page and see exactly all the details of the products. For TX series switches, this is a great breakthrough that they’re added the LAN control option. You can run a... Toon meer

2022-03-02 14:44:17 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (5)

Q: how can i set the latched mode?

gevraagd door oscarhayt op 2017-11-04 12:15:32

BG351738321 select the mode according to the light flashing, flash one time is jogging, twice times is self lock.

2022-02-08 11:09:23 Nuttig (0)
Antwoorden (2)