كل الرسائل

سؤال: Besides charcoal cartridge, does it need another filter so that I won't inhale charcoal dust?

السؤال بواسطة me95050 على 2020-12-04 06:23:44

BG222535810 yes it does. with the charcoal cartridge filtering is not perfect, I still perceived some carbon smell

2022-02-16 04:43:04 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (7)

سؤال: Does it require a special panty? If not, how does it work if one wears a regular panty?

السؤال بواسطة me95050 على 2020-11-22 04:40:57

peter Panty is still going to be a problem you still naturaly need to lower it to do your needs. But it works reasenable if you when you do buy it first put it in hot water to bring it in the proper form because it is very soft plastic and there is hardly a proper model when you recieve it . It than is more flat than round and you need to form it yourself with the hot water trick and Some round form like a bottle .

2020-11-22 04:01:17 مساعدة (1)
أجابات (3)

سؤال: Besides charcoal, does it have a filter for particulates?

السؤال بواسطة me95050 على 2020-11-22 03:05:55

Imbueeeam I don't think so

2020-12-03 08:27:12 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)

سؤال: How do you see the readings via wifi?

السؤال بواسطة me95050 على 2020-09-26 06:05:53

Lynn Support WIFI to upload data, the user starts tcp sever, the port is set to 9960, and the target IP of the detector is set to the tcp sever IP.

2020-10-07 08:53:45 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)

سؤال: Can you use this to bond two pieces of plastic together?

السؤال بواسطة me95050 على 2020-10-03 02:22:20

BG454511619 I try it twice and it works! But you must know that it Will add pla plastic

2020-10-03 05:50:03 مساعدة (1)
أجابات (3)

سؤال: Does it display benzene? I don't see a benzene level in the pictures.

السؤال بواسطة me95050 على 2020-09-21 07:13:34

Laurence It can't test benzene.

2020-10-01 10:33:09 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)