كل الرسائل

سؤال: What is the program you use to draw?

السؤال بواسطة BG229133650 على 2021-05-28 08:07:45

Jerome When you insert the USB connector to the computer the pop-up program will appear. You need to click the setup tool after down installing there is a box that you need to tick. This box is the software you need to install so you can use the tab for drawing. This software called PAINT TOOL SAI. Install it and enjoy

2021-05-29 09:38:36 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)

سؤال: is this an authentic Lenovo brand?

السؤال بواسطة owliber على 2021-01-24 07:19:03

Jaybee I'mnot sure but i think it is the original brand because it works perfectly in me

2021-03-25 02:14:54 مساعدة (1)
أجابات (25)

سؤال: Two questions... Q1. Does this card use/support NVIDIA technology Q2. What is its power output in watts?

السؤال بواسطة felixjpjackson على 2021-01-04 01:42:02

BG491011491 HI,I did not try this card yet since before, I just want to try it for now. I hope it will support NVIDIA Tech.

2021-01-31 11:34:57 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (2)