
Q: Where can I download the source code of the original program?

尋ねた BG151832136 に 2022-04-30 07:28:42

BG561041411 Ihaven't worked with them yet. I'm new to this, so I've been working with wemos d1 mini first, you've got to do a lot of searching on the internet, no single page gives you the answers to your questions. There's a steep learning curve, even though I've been programming in C for more than 30 years.

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Q: hi, how long do they last? thanks

尋ねた Robiztli に 2021-09-10 10:28:22

BG561041411 SorryI didn't see the request until now. They last long enough, and use pill size batteries that are inexpensive and available all over the world. I've used them for 2 X-Mas and none of them died.

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Q: 5MW ? asi mW

尋ねた BG241119134 に 2022-01-15 10:13:59

BG561041411 5miliwatt. It it were 5MW, or 5 megawatt, that would be the hell of a laser that could burn the moon!

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