
Q: what is the minumam destance from the camera to prodact?

尋ねた Hany Maiz に 2019-04-15 11:11:28

jirze Minimumof distance is 10 mm for infra mode, 20 mm for optic mode.

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jirze When direction of light is ortogonal to plate and intensity of sunshine in very high, 120W is possible.
In normal use (Prag, Czech Rep. - summer) my pannel give me from 50 to 85 W.

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jirze YES,when water temperature is different for several degrees. It is not typical leaking. NO, when water temperature is similiar. Normal leaking.

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Q: the model 24 volt has input 24volt and outpout how many volts?

尋ねた itapangelos に 2021-08-03 07:16:27

jirze Output have same voltage potential as input. Output (Yelow) is connected by internal termostat switch from input 24V (red).

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Q: Can probe cable be lengthened up to 2,5 meters?

尋ねた wouter に 2021-10-26 03:33:16

jirze If you have soldering device or somebody who do it, with longer probe cable termostrat work normal.

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