
JoelR The alarm can work without Wifi and without sim card. But you cannot arm, unarm or manage remotely. Not the best option...

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Q: Hi, is it operated by batteries? How long do they last?

gefragt von Moris auf 2021-02-08 11:17:17

JoelR There is an internal battery, but it does ot last long without USB connection,may be an hour or so

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Q: is there an android version of the software available?

gefragt von BG164433134 auf 2021-04-07 08:37:51

JoelR No, only Windows and Linux are available. I must admit the Windows version is absolutely basic and do the minimum. Screen copy is included, the most usefull... Joel

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JoelR All self tests are passing on mine, including 7 and 8 which are apparently 'critical' for clones

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Q: Does this not come with operating instructions?

gefragt von theoriginaljohnnysha auf 2021-03-20 18:50:23

JoelR All informations available at h t t p s : www (dot) tinysa (dot) org (slash) wiki Joel

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JoelR Hi, You have to install the older version of XCDVR1, I think 1.8.x. All the other version above this release do not work on Android 8 or higher. The older version is working, but I'm not sure we have access to all the functionnalities implemented like plug&play configuration and Edog... Basic usage is enough for setup (camera alignment & time synchro). I have deactivated Adas. Joel

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