
Q: The car comes with wheelie Bar ?

尋ねた tamirmaaravi に 2020-09-07 02:29:21

BrainsanesYoutube Yes,but you have to attach it.

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Q: it is real remote control drone?

尋ねた eenachi に 2019-01-29 11:35:39

BrainsanesYoutube it's just landing gear part..

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Q: is the quality of the car good or does it break easily

尋ねた adhfpv に 2021-07-27 15:17:10

BrainsanesYoutube so far it's holding up well for me 🙂 I did run this with a 1500 mah 2s lipo too.

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Q: Does it has a remote to control

尋ねた Shobha Paikra に 2018-11-05 00:41:05

BrainsanesYoutube it's just landing gear

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