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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
M_RSH 12/08/2018
The smallest of the FrSky X-Series receivers. Has full telemetry and is F.Port compatible. Inverted S.Port and S.Bus solder-pads are available but really small. The pictures show size comparison between R-XSR, XM+ and XSR-E (XSR-M) receivers.
Kommentar (8)
  • ratfuck wheres my reciever, is this out of stock or whats the deal?! PLEASE either ship it or CANCEL it & refund me, anybody interested in ordering this DONT, it takes FOREVER to even get it shipped & months for it to arrive, IF IT EVER ARRIVES?! WHATTA JOKE!!!

    Antwort 03/10/2019
  • xracerd87 how do you get telemetry working with fort on betaflight with matek f405-std?

    Antwort 06/01/2020
  • M_RSH You have to flash the latest F.Port firmware on the receiver and connect it to any UART-TX pad by using the small uninverted S.Port pad on the receiver marked with „P“. The select F.Port in Betaflight and set set serialrx_halfduplex = ON
    set serialrx_inverted = OFF in the CLI.

    Antwort 08/01/2020
  • treemagnets how du you flash beta on the receiver?
    on the transmitterv?

    Antwort 31/01/2020
  • RicBorges I'm not sure how to flash the firmware on the receiver but you have to download it from the Frsky website and pass it to your transmitter and then you connect your receiver to the transmitter to flash it. There should be some information about it on the Frsky website.

    Antwort 15/03/2020
  • BG465439151 having trouble binding this to the betafpv lite radio 2. anyone have any ideas why. keep getting "rxloss"

    Antwort 09/11/2020
  • gvanderwilligen does this one works with the jumper ts16?

    Antwort 22/02/2021
  • M_RSH Yes this receiver works with Jumper T16 and Radiomaster TX16S. But FrSky has started shipping this receiver with ACCESS firmware flashed. You will have to flash the ACCST firmware to it. the firmware can be downloaded from the FrSky homepage.

    Antwort 01/03/2021
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