इलेक्ट्रिक तात्कालिक एक्वेरियम नौकरी किचन हीटर से फॉसोली जमा उष्ण जल उत्पादन

1895 दिन पहले लिखा था।

फोटो के साथ ग्राहक समीक्षा

    संबंधित समीक्षा

    • द्वारा BG105317554 23/02/2019 HI I purchased one of these tankless water heaters, it is now squirting water out at the electrical contact. Can I purchase spares? The rubber plunger and white washer behind the electrical contact. I tried to post a photo bet it does not want to work. I have ordered another 2 units, spare can be shipped with them.0
    • द्वारा peter 20/03/2019 have installed it in my old house toilet ,the ladies in the house really like it. what should be told on the sales images is that this IS NOT a HOT/COLD mixing ! ! ! tap but just COLD or just HOT ! ! ! It is WELL working but you have to be CAREFULLY with the H O T ! ! !( once it is long running! ! !) And it is because of this type of construction worthy to have the cold run a while after you have used ONLY the HOT ,to make sure the next user { KIDS ! ! ! } aren’t not burning there hands
    सभी समीक्षा >>

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