Geekcreit® 초음파 모듈 HC-SR04 거리 측정 방송 변환 센서 DC 5V 2-450cm

pbalourd 3630 일 전에 썼습니다. Very good quality for its price. Used with the Arduino UNO.


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    관련 후기

    • 타고 Goran 05/05/2013 Build quality is acceptable - works nicely - measurements are repeatable. Trig pin has pull-up resistor to 5V, and Echo pin is push-pull, so i recommend using level conversion when interfacing to e.g 3.3V FPGA (Sensor did not work well with 3.3 supply voltage) Price/Function ratio is good, almost excellent.
    • 타고 dan.power 25/06/2014 I purchased 10 of these for several projects I am working on. At first I was worried because they were very affordable, I didn't expect much. Once they arrived, I could see the quality was fantastic. They are also very accurate, well exceeding my expectations. For anyone interested, I created an Arduino library for it and put on GitHub -
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