गीक्क्रेट® 600pcs 30 प्रकार का मूल्य 1% 1/4W मेटल फ़िल्म रेजिस्टर विविधित किट 20pcs हर मूल्य

Wolfgang 2466 दिन पहले लिखा था।

जमा करें

फोटो के साथ ग्राहक समीक्षा

    संबंधित समीक्षा

    • द्वारा chocksaway 22/07/2015 10 strips of one value, 11 strips of another and a few odd strips. So much for the 30 different values. Absolutely pathetic BangGood. I am sick and tired of receiving the wrong items, not as advertised items, missing or faulty items. I've lost track of how many problems I've had over the past 8 months. More than 150 orders with at least 10 to 15% of them having some kind of problem. A warning to anyone purchasing these resistors, check them when they arrive to make sure you have the correct, as advertised
    • द्वारा donfefe 29/09/2019 The packaging is perfect, everything is intact. Unbeatable price and very good quality. Correct marking.
    सभी समीक्षा >>

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