10 पेयर्स 1S बैटरी चार्जिंग केबल पुरुष और महिला

Khellendros 2224 दिन पहले लिखा था।

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    संबंधित समीक्षा

    • द्वारा Mogens Kjær 20/01/2017 These are Losi connectors. I thought they were JST PH like the Eachine E010 uses. I just wish BG would write on the product page what they are actually selling. But they are just fine for my purpose. The price and quality is good. The wires are stiff plastic. If they were silicone instead I would have given a clean 5 star rating.
    • द्वारा Markez 19/10/2018 Bom para a montagem (solda) de cabos de carregamento de várias saídas em um, para baterias de uma célula (1s). Voçê economiza tempo de carga, e ao final tem várias lipos carregadas e prontas para o uso. Eu recomendo!!!
    सभी समीक्षा >>

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