Deerma Clothe Sticky Волосы Триммер Charge Мотор USB зарядка для быстрого снятия мяча

hmaxxx Написал 1932 дней назад.

Отзывы клиентов с фотографиями

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    • От AdamLux 23/10/2018 This is a really well designed good quality device that works really well. The size of the device means jobs are done quickly. A nice extra touch is the pull-out lint roller in the arm. Price is great for it. Only thing I don't get is that this does not appear to be anything to do with Xiaomi despite it saying so here. Just says "Deerma" on the device. Having said that it is of Xiaomi quality.
    • От mano_towers 02/07/2019 For all that i have seen in the market, this lint remover is the best, the price zone is good and the power as well, take off all the balls of your clothes and make it look new with no problem. Also this is the only one of with no cables (rechargeable). What i dont like is that the place for the hand is made of plastic, so sometimes it fall of. I reccomend, 9,5/10 → comparing with the other ones
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