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Q: can I use Racerstar 35a Blheli esc to this FC?

zeptal se kiimf89 na 2019-06-22 09:12:04

Mike yes, you will need to move the pins in the connector from the fc to the ESC though to get current sensing to work properly.

2019-11-20 05:41:10 Ochotný (1)
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Mike yes, as stated above the I pin can be used for analogue current sensor (currently doing so rn)

2019-11-20 05:40:07 Ochotný (0)
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Q: Can i use a higher dshot instead of dshot600?

zeptal se Martintiger na 2018-11-24 12:51:39

Mike Dshot600 is all that's needed. DSHOT1200 requires 16k/32k looptime on the floghtcontroller to perform any differently to dshot600 which in the newer versions of betaflight isn't available (due to causing more problems than it was worth)

2019-11-20 05:37:41 Ochotný (0)
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Q: blheli32 or blheli s ?

zeptal se Initals69R na 2019-08-03 04:43:49

Mike blheli S so will not support RPM filtering in BF4.1 unless you purchase the custom software for blheli S

2019-11-20 05:36:12 Ochotný (0)
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Mike kakute F7 (not-AIO) works nicely. small adjustment needed with the plugs (depinning and moving) but first nicely.

2019-11-19 12:11:49 Ochotný (0)
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Q: e compatibile con Flysky FS-I6?

zeptal se manandrei1997 na 2019-10-07 11:54:18

Mike Not out of the box no. You will need to purchase a Flysky receiver and solder it to the free Rx pads on the fc for iBus

2019-10-28 01:21:37 Ochotný (0)
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