BIQU® 4PCS Neues TL-Smoother V1.0 Addon-Modul für 3D-Drucker-Motortreiber

geonassos Vor 1950 Tagen geschrieben


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    Ähnliche Bewertungen

    • Von Radovan 11/03/2019 very nice quality stepper motor smoothers, works as expected, soldering is great, wire is crimped correctly, mind the orientation... the diode marked as v1 is on the motor side... highly recommended for all melzi users... use mainly on extruder and x,y axis, z Axis makes no difference.
    • Von claudiofranco 27/09/2018 this kit consist of 4 TL smoother. not yet tested with my 3D printer. the diodes are OK and the PCB is manufactured quite well. satisfied. questo kit è composto da 4 TL smoother. non ancora testato con la mia stampante 3D. i diodi sono OK e il PCB è prodotto abbastanza bene. soddisfatto.
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