Solarsturm DX1 L2 U2 1200LM Tauch-LED-Taschenlampe 100M

LiMM Vor 2603 Tagen geschrieben Dx1 is a compact 26650 battery flashlight with magnetic slide switch. The magnetic switch is very impressive by sliding up and down to adjust the brightness smoothly just like light dimmer.


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    • Von BG501341141 22/10/2020 deixar meu relato, moro em Florianópolis/SC-Brasil, pescador sub, tenho uma big blue 1200lm e essa lanterna tem a mesma potência, diferencial dessa é que usa bateria 18650 e 26650 e tem regulagem de potência, sobre o vendedor, estou 100% satisfeito, comprei dia 09-10-2020 e chegou 22-10-2020 indico a todos, ótimo custo benefício!
    • Von Marko 30/11/2015 The light works as advertised. I didn't get extra orings with the shipment, so Banggood gave me 200 points. The light has been chamber-tested at 5 BAR (50m), after 15 minutes at 5 BAR, everything was fine. It really is waterproof! One problem with the lamp is, that it slowly drains the battery even when turned off. You can fix the problem, by unscrewing the back for half turn.
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