كل الرسائل

BG227173947 Minecame with two cables one for the [5 5} and one for the [3 3] both in the smaller 1.27 mm size

2021-09-18 09:24:12 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (2)

سؤال: Can you provide the URL to view or download the documentation for this board ?

السؤال بواسطة tjoseph1 على 2019-10-05 11:37:42

Celebration https ://github.com/LilyGO/TTGO-T-Cell?tdsourcetag=s_pctim_aiomsg

2019-10-16 09:47:21 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)

maxxfi That must be indeed a printing mistake in the silkscreen. I buzzed the pins and checked where do they go in the ESP6288EX chip and the one marked GPIO2 in the 1st column is actually GPIO0. The other GPIOx pins (2, 12, 16, 4) look correct.

2019-09-16 12:03:26 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)