شاحن IMaxRC IMax B3 Pro 1.5A Balance Compact لبطارية ليبو 2S-3S

sacosso كتبت قبل أيام1928.


استعراضات العملاء مع صور

    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة Diazfranj 11/01/2019 The charger was delivered in excellent conditionIt traveled from China to TexasWithout any issues.Actually unit itself feels very sturdy, As advertise this charger is compatible with S2 and S3 batteries.If you're in the market for something simple yet effective I would definitely recommend this product!
    • بواسطة Polizyste 26/10/2019 Differences between the new (above) and the older (below) Version. They changed it to Safe costs which decreases basically our safety: Removed fusable input current resistor. Removed some of the Input capacitance and a coil. Removed safety capacitor between primary and secondary side of the Board. I'm not amused and I'll take care in the Future ordering stuff Like that.
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