Geekcreit MB-102 MB102 Papan Roti Tanpa Solder + Sumber Daya + Kit Kabel Jumper

JustForMe Menulis2500 hari yang lalu.


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    • Oleh AdamD 08/02/2017 You get a lot for your money with this set. Recommended for beginners. It has no information included but you can find some in the description of the product. Here are some info, primary for the power supply. It has a switch and a led which indicates if the power supply is on or off. Two power inputs, one from USB and the other from a common jack 5,5x2,1mm. Two voltage regulators (AMS1117), one for 5V and one for 3,3V. All the pins on the top are connected to either to 5V or 3,3V (clearly marked)
    • Oleh Domo83 30/09/2015 Same as majority, PSU breadboard connector pins were a bit bent during delivery process everything else is fine. The funniest thing is that no one noticed a huge mistake in product's description. PSU's USB connector is used for DC output, not DC input. I'll try to upload a PSU schematic diagram to images section, hope moderator will allow me to do that.
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