Lineárna vodidlá Machifit MGN12 100-1000mm s MGN12H Lineárnym posuvným blokom CNC části
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Delivery without problems as expected. But it seems they are from different makers. Two of them (which are identical, brighter green sleight ) working fine after little extra lubrication, one (which are little bit smaller width, darker green sleight) is sticking always on the same position. Tried to move the sleights which show the difference between. the sleight of the good one has a tiny gap on the track of the bad one. The two good ones had a stop plug on both ends, the bad one just cable ties. It seems it is a cheaper made or known as faulty. Even so at the bad slight looks like one or two steel balls are missing. All over I'm not really happy, try to find a proper retailer for it. cheers
Mir war klar, dass diese Linear Schienen mit den originalen von Hiwin nichts zu tun haben. Aber ich war gespannt, ob nach dem Zerlegen, Reinigen, Zusammensetzen und anschließenden Ölen etwas brauchbares herauskommt. Danach konnte ich eine signifikante Verbesserung in der Leichtgängigkeit feststellen. (Vorsicht ! Dabei bloß keine Murmel verlieren !) Für die Belange beim 3D-Drucker reicht es auf jeden Fall.