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Stefanottmar it days proportional Sterling in the description😐

2020-10-26 10:44:16 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (4)

Q: it says <" with fan " but it shows no fan and no fan in specifacations

gevraagd door Stefanottmar op 2020-03-13 06:34:36

SPODAS It has a fan. He sent me a different one, as shown in the photos I uploaded.

2020-03-13 07:25:52 Nuttig (0)
antwoorden (1)

Stefanottmar i did clean out all thread on the big gearwheel its in plastic, bec the motor spurgear ( metal ) came loose bec that the insex screw cam loose, same in front later, be sure to dissasemble the insex and reassemble with locking glue. otherwhise verygood, i also bought a gyrosensor and conncted it to the steering, works like a antislid funktion, wery well!!!

BG101864216 25/01/2019
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