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kozle01 Escreveu 4161 dias atrás.

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    • Para Goran 09/01/2013 Funny pen as a gift or as a souvenir at all well :) I went to the bag, a whole, does not leak, the color bar is black. It is true in one place is a couple of cracks, but I think it merits mail. Thought at first that you can not change the core, but it is not to replace the rod unscrew the top of the pen, so it is very easy. Everything is fine, thank you
    • Para Goran 17/01/2013 Very stylish pen. It looks very real from a distance. My teachers went crazy when they saw it at first :P Also the Ink container inside can be removed and changed (its a regular ink container found at any bookstore). PS: The ink flows way better than that of the classic BIC pen.
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