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Top Positive Review for %s on Banggood, Shop best %s with lowest price on Banggood. Browse most helpful positive review for %s before you buy., rc toys, fun sports, fashion, popular electronics
SIFFLER 29/07/2023
cut your wire exactly 67ft 8in, tighten the so239, tiny dab of glue, and a bit silicone to waterproof it, these are massed produced, and too the clock, you can't buy a kit for £12 i built this for a mate, this his response Just the most fantastic days radio I’ve had in a long time! Out at druridge bay beach 5 mins drive away from my QTH. Equipment was an FT-818 (5 watts) antenna was a slidewinder coil using both a 14ft telescopic whip & a 19ft whip, managed to crack the pile up on 17m to stick 1A0C in the log. I then popped down to see Joe & grab one of his end fed wire antenna along with a mast, Just WOW I honestly didn’t think it would work as good as it did! 1st call into the Seychelles with my 5 watts & bang got straight in. Been out all day so now I’m packed up & making the long journey home (all 5 minutes of it 🤣) 73 De M~~~~/ QRP /P
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