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BG111254537 Yes, this is a bank and yank setup. For the elevators you will need to use two channels on your receiver. Each elevator servo should be in its own channel. Once done you will have to go into your transmitter and setup one of your elevator servos to be slaved to the other channel. That way both will move at the same time. You might have to reverse one or both servos in you transmitter as well to make sure they are moving in the correct direction. The ailerons can just use a “Y” harness and plugged into your channel 4 slot. If you want Flaperons for slower landing speed you will have to setup your ailerons like the elevators.

2022-12-10 07:11:26 Helpful (1)
Answers (3)

BG111254537 I was wonder the same thing. I was about to order another one but once I noticed the price increase I decided to go with the larger version for about the same price.

2022-10-22 02:25:35 Helpful (0)
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