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Q: Can I use it with Yeelight YLDP22YL smart bulb? Thanks in advance!

demandé par tothrobert sur 2020-10-21 08:16:33

kriyenkp It is NOT a smart switch. It just has a button on it that prevents you from turning the switch off. It is a standard mechanical switch with no smart features.

2021-02-25 02:22:50 Utile (0)
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Q: Is it a cold or warm humidifier?

demandé par tothrobert sur 2020-12-06 10:16:02

voxson it's room temperature humidifier. It uses an evaporative technology not based on heat or ultrasonic, but on a more natural system with slowly rotating discs this technology is normally found on much more expensive humidifiers.... inside there are plastic discs with small grooves on both sides. This allows for a very large evaporative surface area, without requiring a great deal of space. Unlike the drum style humidifiers, the disc wheel does not need regular replacement. Advantages include: Very low maintenance (basin of humidifier should be cleaned out periodically, but the machine will tell you this on the app) No regular replacement of parts necessary Higher output due to large evaporative surface area Can be installed in hard water situations Maintains efficiency throughout lifespans

2020-12-08 10:22:45 Utile (0)
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