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Chief Ihad a hell of a time figuring out how to charge the internal battery. I think I have it now, you must have the power switch ON, then plug in the USB C Charging cable then the charge goes to the battery. If the power switch is OFF the power from the USB C seems to go just to power the radio and not charge the battery. Confusing but it will work, I think.

Chief 21/10/2023
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Chief 16/06/2023
I just received this today, one may consider that I ordered it in March and it arrived in June however I was notified that it was on back order, and as far as I can tell, it shipped as soon as the order arrived in China, and actually arrived rather quickly after they shipped so no problem there. The package arrived in pretty good condition, the box showed it was not handled with love or care but the device was in great shape, and I never keep the boxes for anything anyhow so I am well pleased. I am playing with it now, sure I am a bit old to play, but then I wittnessed the growth from mechanical pinball games to my kids stealing all our one dollar coins and using them for quarters at the arcade, cost us over a hundred bucks before we discovered that mistake in not locking up our collection that would be worth considerable now. I do love MAME, I still have a 13 DVD collection of the entire setup from back in the early 2000's and several CD'S that I made up for friends with a self starting containing many of my favorite games. I ordered a cheaper version first and had it to play with till this arrived, it was just an NES emulator so this one is far better. I do love Mame and Neo-Geo games so this will keep me busy as I sit in my recliner waiting for God and the day I can rejoin the love of my life who was taken from me by Cancer 2.5 years ago, just 4 days after our 51st wedding anniversary. God how I miss her. Ah well, back to the game, it is so very COOL! I would recommend this to all my friends who love the old Arcade games, and it comes with an HDMI cable so I can play the games on my 50 inch flat screen, now that's real gaming! The fact that this also emulates all the NES game including all Gameboy game just adds to the fun, and it comes fully loaded with all the ROMS you need to play your favorite, as well as being an MP-3 MP-4 player so you can play your favorite tunes and movies off the included SD card interphase really makes this the take along!
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Chief Ifound this problem with the encoders is still present in the unit I received. Not a major problem but still a pain in the rear, especially when setting the clock.

Chuck 21/08/2023
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Chief 21/07/2021
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Chief 21/07/2021
When I first got my first ESP32 I had a hard time figuring out what to do with it. Now that I have been using them for a few years, I don't know what I would do without them! At present I am sort of hooked on different ways to build WIFI radio sets. You see we live in, well, a very rural area. WE can get 2 rather clear AM stations during the day, one local to our small town, the other a nearby town some 25 miles west. Of course at night we can get a lot of AM but with all the modern switching power supplies, finding place in the house free of interference is difficult. Until last spring we nad NO FM stations in the house, you could get a couple if you drove to the top of a hill nearby. Well the local AM now rebroadcasts on a weak FM transmitter and some people find it a god send, mom for instance, now stuck in a nursing home where the walls are thick and radio interference pretty much killed her radio, was so thrilled when I tuned her to the local FM, now she hears her shows on the local when ever she needs it. Ah but with the ESP32 I can build these little guys into the old radio sets and hook them up to the amps in the radios so the output is just like it was with the FM sets and now we can have over200 stations available on any of the sets I have modified with the ESP32's and a device to take the signal and translate it to MP3 status then output through the speaker of the old sets. I have built them into radios and even iHome devices build for the old iPhones and iPads, I can usually find room inside for these guys and the decoder, then hook to the AUX plug and we have free tunes at a very high quality! Oh for the fun you can have with these guys, not just limited to my favorite but running your home for you, turning on lights in your house from hundreds of miles away, you can use them for about any thing you can imagine with the wifi and bluetooth capabilities and the little processor on board that makes the Arduino only dream of such speeds!
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