4PCS MECO 3.7v 4000mAh بطارية ليثيوم أيون 18650 قابلة للشحن ومحمية

rmurray484 كتبت قبل أيام2441.


استعراضات العملاء مع صور

    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة nsb 17/04/2019 This is fraud! The battery diameter is oversized. I therefore took off the outer plastic. Below is printed 1800mAh !!!!
    • بواسطة AssemShawkat 27/02/2016 I purchased 40 batteries of this type based on a review I did read here. I took a new one of them and measured its voltage, it was partially charged. I used the XTAR VC4 LCD Screen USB Battery Charger I bought from Bang good to fully charge it to 4.2 volts. Then I did place it in my MECO XM-L T6 2000lm 5 Modes Lotus Shape LED Flashlight to discharge it. It worked for 3 houres then the light started fading. At that time I measured its voltage and it was 2.6 volts which means it is almost completely
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