
bendeguz.szuk It has two sides, one is 93, the other 133, so you can use it for about 100 - 200 mm wrists.

2023-06-12 12:15:14 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

Q: What is the voltage of the USB-C port?

尋ねた bendeguz.szuk に 2021-12-08 02:06:58

The seller The USB output is automatically recognized according to different communication protocols, and the output voltage is automatically adjusted to support fast charging.

2021-12-13 02:52:20 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

Q: Doesn't have a stop watch function?

尋ねた bendeguz.szuk に 2020-11-20 02:48:21

wanee It do not support.

2020-12-02 08:05:10 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)