सभी संदेश

क्यू: Hi, can I use this drone with the Fatshark attitude V5 goggle and the frsky taranis qx7 radio?

द्वारा पूछा गया BG571045525 पर 2020-03-29 05:01:30

BG534854034 Of course! Bind and Fly.

2020-03-29 05:05:01 उपयोगी (0)
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जवाब (3)

क्यू: what is the average flight time ?

द्वारा पूछा गया felipeng84@gmail.com पर 2019-09-02 09:53:36

Xavierdarbon Depends the way you fly ans witch battery u are gonna use. Between 2 and 4 minutes

2019-11-21 06:18:23 उपयोगी (0)
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जवाब (1)