بطاقة برنامج راسرستار LED لمتجاوز راسرستار Rocket ESC

costimarcos كتبت قبل أيام2148.


استعراضات العملاء مع صور

    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة GearBang 21/11/2017 Very useful and super easy to use. This programming card is a must buy if you have a Racerstar ESC because by default the "Start Mode" is set to Medium and "Brake Force" is set to 100% on the ESC which is too much and the Start Mode set at Medium creates motor cogging if you have a heavy RC car. I usually keep mine at Start Mode - Strong and Brake Force - 25%. By the way, I can confirm that this programming card works with these two ESCs for sure: https://www.banggood.com/Racerstar-60A-ESC-Brushless-Waterproof-Sensorless-110-RC-Car-Part-p-1085233.html?p=LN24205151027201606U and
    • بواسطة BG164391098 25/08/2020 I was but worried about it at the beginning as there was blue flashing light and I couldn't do anything. after 3 power on blue light has gone and it worked.
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