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Q: can i bind it to walkera devo 7??

demandé par yugofon sur 2019-12-24 07:57:34

BG913339217 Ifyou can supply your own SBUS receiver for it, then yes.

2021-12-19 10:01:29 Utile (0)
réponses (2)

yugofon i Play liftoff with my devo 7 just using mic audio cable and program called "smartopoplus" or something like that Check YouTube there is few tutorials

2020-05-06 01:44:33 Utile (0)
réponses (2)

Q: compatibile for mini cp??

demandé par yugofon sur 2019-04-04 05:54:15

zengjiewen no, it is different

2019-04-08 02:24:20 Utile (0)
réponses (1)