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Henning256 Search for the Radtel RT-470 Programming Software on the Radtel website.

2023-03-29 10:38:39 Ochotný (2)
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Q: does it have CE mark?

zeptal se enrt69 na 2023-03-28 06:17:31

Henning256 No, only the battery does. But you can put one on it yourself. That wouldn‘t be less meaningful then the one on the battery…

2023-03-28 09:32:15 Ochotný (1)
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Henning256 The CPS for the Baofeng P15UV works in version 1.01 for me. You can download it from the site of Abbree.

2023-03-28 02:59:14 Ochotný (0)
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