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My Account My Orders My Wishlist My Coupons My Points My Referrals BGpayBG493254420 great review and nice photos which will help others with assembly.
Reply 26/12/2023BG493254420 Hi, I am having trouble binding it. There is one light that is flashing on the board. Lights come on and can be controlled, but nothing else works. Motor was working, but not now. If you have some insights I would be appreciative to know what might be the problem.
Reply 29/12/2023BG123981549 Thanksfor the Photos. They definitely helped figure out how and where to put the Wired Connectors...
Reply 20/01/2024alex020675 Good morning have you figured out how to calibrate the gyro before flying? Does it calibrate automatically when powered on? THANKS
Reply 31/03/2024silentjack78 which protocol for the multiprotocol? for radiomaster tx16s. thx
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