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My Account My Orders My Wishlist My Coupons My Points My Referrals BGpayBG174236498 In my view, this inaccuracy is not good quality. I had two items that were both inaccurate like this. The square is meant to be square, otherwise it's just a very very expensive ruler or tape measure.
Reply 05/09/2021BG364416371 Maybe a silly question but… can you calibrate it by loosening the screws or do they just pull it back to the same location when tightened?
Reply 12/09/2021mattnelson84 This version the screws little effect, its already locked in to same position sorry.
Reply 26/09/2021mattnelson84 for it's application it is passable as made for ruling lines BT dragging, but yes if also ruled a line conventionally (along rulers edge) then its not square so then not good quality and would get off lines. also got the Venko 760mm T ruler much better quality.
Reply 26/09/2021Laszlo Thesquare you have to calibrate yourself, just loosen the 4 screws, adjust and tighten them back.
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