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käsekuchen 22/03/2021
Works well BUT there is a standby current draw on the XT60s that can kill your batteries overnight, so dont leave them plugged in.
Comments (2)
  • Krotow Itis more like that batteries are discharging through charger after charging. And batteries should not left unattended connected to charger for entire night anyway.

    Reply 24/11/2021
  • käsekuchen @Krotow No. There is a voltage regulator circuit on the board to power the leds and beeper, it acts just like a 1kOhm resistor. On 6S thats about 22mA, which will easily kill batteries overnight if they were close to empty before.
    Chargers generally have an output mosfet that will be open when the charger is off, they do not drain batteries.

    Reply 07/02/2022
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