Well, what to say, the equipment for this money has excellent functionality, but it has drawbacks corresponding to its price.
First of all, the poetry was very upsetting. I had hoped that they would be more accurate and better resistive, but as it turned out they out of the box have a slight noise of 1-2 μC and also there is a drift of up to 5 μC. And the biggest disappointment is the actual resolution of sticks, which is 500 to 700, at a 2048 ADC resolution. It's a failure, on my flyska on the resistors in the absence of noise, the drift was a maximum of 2 μC at a full resolution of 1024.
In the second, on one of the magnets on the stick was found a sticking screw:) which did not allow normal calibration of the sticks.
Third, the speaker at low screen brightness values has unpleasant noise, when playing the voice.
Fourthly, it's all sorts of little things in the form of дребезжащих buttons, a roller and a JR cover of the compartment.
Of the pros, it is of course opentx, brightness screen with IPS matrix, тачскрин (for the future), convenient hook, I don't know whether it is possible to refer to the pros removable antenna, for me it is a plus. I also really like the grip (the protrusions at the back are very эргономичны). The mechanics of sticks can also be attributed to the advantages, it is not bad. The course of the sticks is soft and smooth.
Ну что сказать, аппаратура за эти деньги имеет отличный функционал, но она имеет недостатки соответствующие её цене.
Во первых, очень огорчили стики. Я надеялся, что они будут точнее и лучше резистивных, но как оказалось они из коробки имеют небольшой шум 1-2 мкС , а также есть дрейф до 5 мкС. И самое большое разочарование, это реальная разрешающая способность стиков, которая составляет от 500 до 700, при разрешении АЦП 2048. Это провал, у меня на флайскае на резисторах при отсутствии шума, дрейф составлял максимум 2 мкС при полном разрешении в 1024.
Во вторых на одном из магнитов на стике был обнаружен прилипший шуруп :) , который не позволял нормально откалибровать стики.
В третьих, динамик при низких значениях яркости экрана имеет неприятный шум, при воспроизведении голоса.
В четвёртых это всякие мелочи в виде дребезжащих кнопок, ролика и крышки JR отсека.
Из плюсов, это конечно же opentx, яркия экран с IPS матрицей, тачскрин ( на будущее ), удобный крюк, не знаю можно ли к плюсам отнести съёмную антену, для меня это плюс. Также мне очень нравится хват ( выступы сзади очень эргономичны ). К плюсам также можно отнести механику стиков, по ощущениям она не плоха. Ход стиков мягкий и плавный.
Well, what to say, the equipment for this money has excellent functionality, but it has drawbacks corresponding to its price.
First of all, the poetry was very upsetting. I had hoped that they would be more accurate and better resistive, but as it turned out they out of the box have a slight noise of 1-2 μC and also there is a drift of up to 5 μC. And the biggest disappointment is the actual resolution of sticks, which is 500 to 700, at a 2048 ADC resolution. It's a failure, on my flyska on the resistors in the absence of noise, the drift was a maximum of 2 μC at a full resolution of 1024.
In the second, on one of the magnets on the stick was found a sticking screw:) which did not allow normal calibration of the sticks.
Third, the speaker at low screen brightness values has unpleasant noise, when playing the voice.
Fourthly, it's all sorts of little things in the form of дребезжащих buttons, a roller and a JR cover of the compartment.
Of the pros, it is of course opentx, brightness screen with IPS matrix, тачскрин (for the future), convenient hook, I don't know whether it is possible to refer to the pros removable antenna, for me it is a plus. I also really like the grip (the protrusions at the back are very эргономичны). The mechanics of sticks can also be attributed to the advantages, it is not bad. The course of the sticks is soft and smooth.