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Top Positive Review for %s on Banggood, Shop best %s with lowest price on Banggood. Browse most helpful positive review for %s before you buy., rc toys, fun sports, fashion, popular electronics
nikolaidislazaros1 24/09/2021
Beast ESC endless power but batteries suffer for sure......i was flying a 1050 r line tattu battery..after 2 punches full throttle to check my fastest top speed with the GPS i added......i saw near 194 mph (310+ klm/h)......and suddenly..i lose signal on goggles dji on 1200mw and at same time on my crossfire too.....luckily the drone was near me and i found it immediately no damages luckily even when i saw it i thought something fried....but it was the battery dead...dropped down to 7 volts!!!!!!!!! So i freaked when i was near the drone and i didnt have signal either on goggles and TX....the power ate the battery in 1.5 minute...i have a T motor f7 hd FC connected cause the stock FC was defective 2 times so i changed brand on the FC....its a beasty ESC and be carefull with batteries if you use it for racing or fast speeds......if you fly normal ...5 minutes easy with the 1050mah and arround 7 with a 1400mah r line tattu......beware the leds on the ESC needs a trik to work and turn on etc....they dont work only with the harness wiring.
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